Monday, 30 September 2013

October Challenges | Laura Sivers

Hello lovely people.

October I find can be a bit of a strange month for me; it's not quite time to start getting excited for Christmas (although I have to admit I have already indulged in watching a Christmas movie last week) and the weather's always a bit rainy and miserable, so I've decided to set myself some challenges for this month to keep myself busy and focussed on something.

The first one I am most excited about. I'm going to be doing an OOTD (outfit of the day) post every single day throughout the month. I will post photos daily to my Instagram: @laurasivers_ and will do a weekly roundup blog post here on my blog. So make sure you're following me on Instagram and on here if you're interested in seeing my OOTDs. I wanted to do this partly because Autumn fashion is my favourite and partly because I just thought it would be fun. I'll post where I bought the clothes from and link them if they're still available.

My second lot of challenges I have been inspired by one of my favourite people on the internet Shay Carl Butler. I'm sure most of you know who he is but he is a Youtuber who currently lives in L.A. with his lovely family and he has been posting daily vlogs on for almost 5 years - I began watching him late 2009! Anyway he is doing Shaytober for the month of October where he is going to 'get in the best shape of his life'. He encourages people to join him on this journey and set their own personal goals to obtain a healthier lifestyle so I thought why don't I join in! I've set myself 3 goals:
1. Walk at least 7 miles every weekday (Mon-Fri).
2. By the end of the month be able to do 40 press ups in a row without stopping.
3. Cut out sugar completely from my diet.
Now I think I will find the first 2 relatively simple but number 3 - the no sugar - is going to be a real challenge. It's safe to say I have a serious sugar addiction and often rely on sugary drinks and snacks as fuel rather than eating actual substantial food so I am going to have to start eating proper food. I have done some research into this and it has surprised me how many foods contain sugar. There's the obvious chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits etc but theres also all white bread, white pasta, sauces/dressings, cereal. The one type of sugar I will be allowing myself though is the natural sugars found in fresh fruit. It's going to tough but once I set my mind to something I can usually stick to it so I'm hoping I wont fail. I'm sure during the month I'll be moaning about it on twitter so be sure to follow me on there @laurasivers to keep track of how I'm doing.

So there you have it, my October challenges! If this has inspired you to set yourself goals for the new month then do let me know in the comments below.

Lots of love
Laura x x


  1. wow, good luck with the sugar thing!



    1. Thank you! Think I'm going to need lots of luck!! X
